Thursday, March 26, 2015

Music To My Ears:

 Chemo treatment 4 of 6 DONE today.
 Realized the I pod my sister gave me really helps get me through treatment. I'm able to tune out of the not so fun 6 hour day and tune into good music and really listen to the lyrics. Anna Traetz left a nice note in my "chemo" bag for me. Chauffeurs Amy Morales and Stacy Labo Knott got me to treatment and home safe and sound. When I got home Luke Traetz was weed wacking the back yard...without me asking him to. Luke also had country music playing for me when I came in. To top off the day, a nice neighbor boy found and returned some sunglasses that were stolen from Jesse's car. I love how having just enough of the "nice little things in life" can add up to minimize some of the big, ugly stuff life can throw at us. We can choose to listen to the noise in our lives, or choose to turn it down. Change what we are listening to and take time to understand the lyrics. Music to my ears, today.

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