Small Town Love
About a week ago one of the students at the high school
decided to do something amazing for Kathy and her family. Her name is Erin
Clendenen. Erin has been a part of Kathy’s family for years this is one of
posts that I copied from Instagram that explains their connection:
Erin and Kathy- February 2015 |
“This woman right here has done so much for me since I was a
little girl. I’ve spent endless nights at her house, eaten all of her food and
even almost burned down her house once. Now, I’ve been given the opportunity to
give back to her…She told me last night we were put in each other’s lives for a
reason and I’ve come to the realization this is one of them. I am hosting a
Benefit Dinner for Kathy on February 21st….”
We are amazed and humbled at the love and support the community has shown towards Kathy and her family. This experience has given me new insight on life and how to be a better person. If you can make the benefit dinner we would love to see you, if not feel free to send a card or a note to Kathy to her spirits up.